Middle School News


November 10, 2014

Picture retakes are scheduled for this Wednesday, November 12.

Thanksgiving holiday will be from November 26-28. We will dismiss at 12:00 pm on Tuesday, November 25.

White Oak Middle School Choir Concert is scheduled for Thursday, December 11 beginning at 6:30 pm. Contact Ms. Hughes for additional information. (903-291-2051)

White Oak Middle School Band Concert is scheduled for Monday, December 15 for the 6th grade band and Tuesday, December 16 for the 7th and 8th grade bands. Contact Mr. Whatley for additional information.(903-291-2060)

Semester exams are scheduled for December 18-19. As in the past, high school and middle school will dismiss early each day. More information will follow.

Christmas break is scheduled for December 22 through January 5. Spring semester begins January 5.

White Oak Middle School encourages our students and their families to be involved in extracurricular activities and support the various teams and programs. However, many times students are dropped off for several hours without parent/guardian supervision. It is during these times that problems may arise. We have just completed our football and volleyball seasons and we are beginning our basketball season.  Please be reminded once students enter the gym they must stay inside. Their student ID card (if applicable) allows admittance once per event. The ID card does not allow for in/out privileges. Once they leave, they will not be allowed to re-enter. Proper behavior is expected at all events. Please review our handbook and visit with your child about proper conduct at these events.

In emergency situations when a student must ride a different bus or be let off at another stop, parents/guardians must call the Transportation Department, (903-291-2149) as early in the day as possible. When calling, please inform the Transportation Supervisor, Mr. Stagner, of the child’s name, caller’s name (parent/guardian only), phone number, reason for change in ridership for that day, and drop off location. All changes must originate from the child’s parent or legal guardian and include the above information. A callback may be initiated. To ensure the safety of our students, notes will not be accepted for this special arrangement.