White Oak Middle School will host our District UIL Academic competition on December 8 and 9. This will be our first year to host this event. We will be on regular schedule on Tuesday, and the middle school will dismiss Wednesday at 12:00. Buses will run at this time. The middle school is the only campus dismissing early on Wednesday, December 9. Students participating in this contest will remain at school however you may pick up your child when their contest is finished. Sign out sheets will be available in the office and with their coach. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school at 903-291-2055.
Category Archives: Parent Infomation
Does it seem there is TMI that is KPC and SITD about texting? Do you see PAL,PIR,P911,MOS on your child’s cell phone? If U wait until 2MORO, it may be 2 late. FWIW, if you are ISO getting ahead, go to the following ADR.(www.netlingo.com) This is a GR8 site.
Which translates:
(Does it seem there is too much information that is keeping parents clueless and still in the dark about texting? Do you see parents are listening, parent in room, parent alert, mom over shoulder on your child’s cell phone? If you wait until tomorrow, it may be too late. For what it’s worth, if you are in search of getting ahead, go to the following address. (www.netlingo.com). This is a great site.
If you and or your child has text messaging, this web site may be for you. Netlingo.com has many categories, including “Top 50” which includes Acronyms for Parents as well as popular text terms.
The following is taken from the website:
People tell me everyday “it’s tough to keep up with all of this new technology!” I tell them “you’re not alone!” It used to be that understanding the Internet was only for computer professionals and web design folks. Now you see technology permeating our lives everywhere and you realize that knowing Internet technology and online communication is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity.
Research now proves that technology continues to proliferate… there’s new software, new hardware, new technologies, new websites, new online services, and new lingo created literally every day. If you’re a professional who feels like you’re on information overload or a parent who wants to keep up with what your kids are talking about, NetLingo can help you!
NetLingo.com has thousands of definitions that explain the online world of business, technology, and communication, including the largest collection of Internet acronyms and text message shorthand 😉 We entertain and educate students, teachers, parents, gamers, designers, techies, bloggers, journalists, and industry professionals worldwide. NetLingo has been the leading Internet dictionary since 1994 helping millions of people understand this new jargon, and now we’ve re-launched a new and improved website to keep you in the know.
Fall Pictures-October 21
Just a reminder fall pictures are scheduled to be taken tomorrow, Wednesday, October 21. Your child received their picture packets Friday and have been given daily reminders. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to call our office. (903-291-2055)
Region VII 2nd Annual Parent Conference
When parents are active partners with their children’s school, good things happen. Learn more about encouraging successful learning & supporting positive partnerships in your schools by joining Region VII Education Service Center’s 2nd Annual Parent Conference on October 27, 2009. The conference is FREE and lunch will be provided. A full schedule of breakout sessions will be offered throughout the day and an on-site resource room will allow you to browse available agencies and support systems in the community. Session seating will be first come, first served. Please contact Susan Lay at Region VII at 903-988-6897 for additional information. You may also go to www.esc7.net. On the right hand side (News and Events) you will find additional information concerning this conference.
Reminder of our Parent Luncheon on Friday
Just a reminder that our 1st parent/guardian luncheon is scheduled for this Friday, October 16 from 12:15-12:45 in the library. This will be an informative luncheon to provide you the opportunity to visit our school and learn of the events and activities taking place. Luncheons are provided to our parents/guardians at no charge. Reservations are required for the luncheon; however you are more than welcome to attend if you chose not to have lunch on us. We would ask that you park across the street in front of the auditorium. Please contact our secretary, Mrs. Norris, with your reservation. We need a number count by Wednesday, October 14. See you on the 16th.