October 22, 2015
Please monitor your child’s progress through Family Access by Skyward, Inc. Family Access is a secure Internet based website that will allow you to easily keep track of nearly everything your student(s) does while at school. Among other things, this service allows you to view your student’s attendance, grades, schedule, progress, assignments, and emergency information. Family Access is a free service and is available to all parents/guardians with children enrolled in the district. Beginning with this marking period, we will no longer send home a hard copy of your child’s progress report or report card unless you request a hard copy. (This is consistent with the policy at the high school.) You will be able to access this form by going to WOISD.net and then under “Campuses” click Middle. The link to the form will be under the calendar. For additional information related to Skyward, if you are having difficulties signing in to Skyward, or if you do not have Internet access and are requesting a hard copy of your child’s progress report/report card for each marking period, please call Ms. Cowart at 903-291-2085 or email her at [email protected].
To help better communicate with you, please follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/WhiteOakMiddle , check your child’s teachers’ blog posts, Media Center blog post, as well as the principal and counselor’s blog posts.
White Oak ISD has scheduled 4 early release days this year for staff development. On the following days, middle school students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm. Bus transportation will be provided. (October 7, November 11, January 27, February 24)
On behalf of the students, faculty, and staff of the White Oak Independent School District, the members of the Board of Trustees cordially invite all Veterans and Spouses who reside in the White Oak Independent School District to a Veterans Day Luncheon to be hosted in your honor on Wednesday, November 11, 2015, at 12:30 p.m. in the Judy C. Meredith Secondary Food Services Building. In order that we may plan for this special event, reservations are required no later than Wednesday, November 4, 2015. To make reservations, please contact Melanie Reed at 903-291-2201 or by email at [email protected]. Please leave your name, your street address in White Oak, and a telephone number.
White Oak Middle School will be participating in our District UIL Academic competition on Saturday, January 23 at White Oak Middle School. Within the next couple of weeks, our students will received information as to the various contests offered and those interested are encouraged to sign up for this competition. If your child is selected to participate, he/she will bring home additional information.
On behalf of the students, faculty, and staff of the White Oak Independent School District, the members of the Board of Trustees cordially invite all Senior Citizens (age 55 and older) who reside in the White Oak Independent School District to a Thanksgiving Luncheon to be hosted in your honor on Friday, November 20, 2015, at 12:30 p.m. in the Judy C. Meredith Secondary Food Services Building. In order that we may plan for this special event, reservations are required no later than Wednesday, November 11, 2015. To make reservations, please contact Melanie Reed at 903-291-2201 or by email at [email protected]. Please leave your name, your street address in White Oak, and a telephone number.
Thanksgiving holiday will be from November 25-27. Secondary campuses will dismiss early on Tuesday, November 24. Please check our campus homepage and our campus Facebook for dismissal times.