8th Grade: All students will need the following basic supplies:
*Notebook with zipper (optional)
1 package of standard ruled notebook paper
Pencils and pens
Handheld pencil sharpener
Combination or key lock for locker (Strongly recommended)
Package of highlighters
2 pocket folders (one red; one blue)
Folder with brads and pockets
Course specific supplies: (Additional supplies may be requested by individual teachers)
2 red pens
Clear Protractor (no arms); Compass; 1 Composition notebook ; Markers; 2 white/pink erasers; Boys – scissors and map pencils; Girls- 2 Sharpies and 2 glue sticks
Calculator for 7th Pre-Algebra, 8th Math, and 8th Algebra: 8th Math:Suggested TI-30XIIS (Students will have use of a classroom calculator but will need one at home.) Algebra:Suggested TI-84+Silver Edition (Usually on sale at the end of July or August. If taken care of, students will be able to use graphing calculators throughout high school and college.
2 Mead black and white composition notebooks; 1 inch 3 ring binder with 5 dividers; Girls: 2 rolls of paper towels; Boys: 2 glue sticks ; $3 lab fee to be paid at registration
(Social Studies)
1 two-pocket folder with brads; 1 package of construction paper
*Note: Instead of zipper notebooks, students may carry small drawstring bags (no inappropriate graphics or writing~must be school appropriate)
Some supplies may need to be replenished through the year*