The following information was printed on the back of your child’s report card, which will go out tomorrow.
January 10, 2013
Texas Education Agency state assessment, STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) has replaced TAKS. STAAR is more rigorous than previous state tests. It contains more test questions at most grade levels. The majority of the STAAR assessments will test material students studied this year. Also, as it was last year, tests will have a time limit. Unless a student is eligible for an accommodation, each student will have four hours to complete each assessment. We have repeatedly spoken with our students about the changes in the state testing and how the test is more rigorous than the previous TAKS test. Coupled with this test and the increased passing standards, your child must also meet the passing standard in the class in order to be promoted. 8th grade students who are not successful on the tests will have one additional opportunity before the end of the spring semester (in May) and one last opportunity at the end of June to retest and pass STAAR. If your child does not pass STAAR on the second administration, he/she will be required to enroll in summer school to prepare for the 3rd and final administration of STAAR. If a decision is made not to enroll and successfully complete this requirement, then they will be retained. If you would like additional information concerning the STAAR test, visit the Texas Education Agency website at and click on Testing and Accountability on the left hand side. Also, you may contact your child’s teacher for more information. Thank you in advance for your support.
STAAR Test calendar: April 2: 7th grade Writing Day 1, 8th grade Mathematics; April 3: 7th grade Writing Day 2, 8th grade Reading; April 23: 6th and 7th grade Mathematics; April 24: 6th and 7th grade Reading: April 24: 8th grade Science; April 25: 8th grade Social Studies. Test security measures will be in place on test days to limit student access to cell phones during testing. It is suggested that students leave cell phones at home on the days of testing. If you choose to allow your child to bring a phone, students must submit their cell phones that are turned off to their test administrators on the day of testing. Cell phones will be placed in an individual zip lock bag and returned to each student as soon as all testing has been completed for the day. You may also go online at Student Assessment Division for additional information.
- White Oak Middle School has been selected to represent schools across the nation by participating in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). NAEP is the largest nationally representative assessment of students across the country, and it is administered by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education. NAEP, which has been conducted since 1969, is different from other assessments because it provides a common measure of student achievement across the country.The results of NAEP are released as The Nation’s Report Card, which provides information about student achievement to educators, parents, policymakers, and the public. The NAEP assessment will be given on Jan. 29, 2013. NAEP has randomly selected a number of our 8th grade students to take either a mathematics or reading assessment. In addition to answering questions in one of these subjects, students will be asked some questions about themselves and their educational experience. If your child has been selected, they will receive testing informaiton from Mrs. Hamm. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact her at 903-291-2032 or [email protected].
White Oak ISD has scheduled 4 early release days this year for staff development. On the following days, middle school students will be dismissed at 12:30 pm. Bus transportation will be provided. (September 19, October 17, February 27, April 10) Also, January 21 and February 18 are school holidays.
All White Oak Middle School students (whether in extracurricular activities or not) will be held accountable for their grades and will follow the same eligibility requirements as participants. Eligibility can be maintained by making grades of 70 or above in all academic classes. Beginning at the end of the first six weeks, if a student’s average in one or more academic classes is below 70 for a six weeks period, that student will be ineligible to participate in or attend any extracurricular activities (games, contests, dances, etc) for the next three-week period. An ineligible student may practice or rehearse. After the three-week period, eligibility will be determined.
Nominations for our Gifted and Talented Program will be accepted from March 18-29. At that time, forms will be available from Mrs. Hamm, Middle School Counselor. Testing will be completed before the end of the spring semester. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact her at 903-291-2032 or [email protected].
In emergency situations when a student must ride a different bus or be let off at another stop, parents/guardians must call the Transportation Department, (903-291-2149) as early in the day as possible. When calling, inform the office of the child’s name, caller’s name (parent/guardian only) and phone number, reason for change in ridership for that day, and drop off location. All changes must originate from the child’s parent or legal guardian and include the above information. A callback may be initiated. To ensure the safety of our students, notes will not be accepted for this special arrangement.
As a partner in education, the White Oak Independent School District School Nutrition program contributes to a successful academic experience and encourages a lifetime of healthy eating by providing each student with the opportunity to consume meals that are nutritious, appealing, and served by caring professionals in a pleasant environment. You may choose to send money with your child or you may make a deposit to your child’s lunch account online. Please check your child’s account on a regular basis to ensure they have enough money in their account. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Lori Ferguson, Director of WOISD Food Services.
GT Model United Nations competition is scheduled for January 31- February 1. Parents of our GT students may contact Mrs. Velde or Mrs. Floyd for additional information.
Spring Break is scheduled for the week of March 11-15