6TH GRADE: *Some supplies may need to be replenished throughout the year*
*Note: Instead of zipper notebooks, students may carry small drawstring bags (no inappropriate graphics or writing~must be school appropriate!) Backpacks are optional. Only used to transport belongings to and from school. During the day, it must remain in your locker.
All students will need:
* Notebook with zipper (optional)
* Standard ruled notebook paper
* Pencils and pens
* Handheld pencil sharpener
* Box of Kleenex
* Small drawstring bag to carry to class (optional)
* 2 Combination locks or key locks: 1) hall locker 2) PE locker
* Plain grey shorts and grey shirt for PE
Plus the following for individual classes
ELA * 3 highlighters * 1 1” (inch) 3 ring binder * 1 Package of 5 Plastic Dividers ***6th Grade students in GT must have an additional 3″ notebook for Model United Nations |
Math * 2 Spiral Notebooks * 2 Large Pink Erasers |
Science * 2 Mead Black and White Composition Books * 2 Rolls of paper towels * 1 box of markers * 2 small glue sticks ( Paper towels, markers, and glue stick will be left in class) * $3 lab fee may be paid at registration |
Social Studies * 1 Two-Pocket Folders w/brads * 1 1GB Flash Drive * 1 Highligher |