• Pre-Registration packets for returning students will be available the week of August 3. All paperwork must be completed before coming to the school for registration. New students to the district (along with their parents/guardians) must contact our office this week as well for additional information necessary for registration. Registration for returning student will begin the week of August 10 from 8:30-11:00 and 12:00-3:30.
8th grade registration is scheduled for August 11 from 8:30-11:00 and 12:00-3:30
7th grade registration is scheduled for August 12 from 8:30-11:00 and 12:00-3:30
6th grade registration is scheduled for August 13 from 8:30-11:00 and 12:00-3:30
We will offer an evening registration on Thursday, August 13 from 5:00-7:00 pm for working parents/guardians not able to attend the above dates/times.
• In emergency situations when a student must ride a different bus or be let off at another stop, parents/guardians must call the Transportation Department (903-291-2149) as early in the day as possible. When calling, inform the office of the child’s name, caller’s name (parent/guardian only) and phone number, reason for change in ridership for that day, and drop off location. All changes must originate from the child’s parent or legal guardian and include the above information. A callback may be initiated. To ensure the safety of our students, notes will not be accepted for this special arrangement.
• The safety of our students and staff at White Oak Middle School is our top priority. White Oak Middle School encourages our students and their families to be involved in the lives of their child. If you wish to eat lunch with your child, please come by the office and sign in. White Oak Middle School has installed a computerized check in & check out procedure (Drivers License is required) for volunteers, visitors, students, faculty, staff and substitutes. The system is identical to the system currently used at the primary and intermediate school. You will be issued a visitor’s pass and directed to the cafeteria. Our guests will have an assigned area to eat. We will attempt to get you through the lunch line with your child as quickly as possible. After lunch, please come by, sign out and return your pass. If you are bringing your child lunch and plan on not staying, please follow the same procedures. For the safety of our students and staff, students from other schools are not allowed to visit. Due to United States Department of Agriculture guidelines, you will not be able to bring outside food into the cafeteria for anyone other than you and/or your child.
• Anytime you need to pick up your child early from school, please call or send a note with them. They are to bring the note to the office as soon as they get to school. We will then issue an “Early Dismissal Notice” so they can be in the office at the designated time. For safety reasons, only individuals on your sign out list can pick up your child and you must come in and sign your child out. They will not be dismissed to leave campus early for any reason without you being present
• E-mail is a great communication tool for both parents/guardians and teachers. If you are interested in receiving e-mail from our child’s teacher, please take time to visit our new website. (www.woisd.net/isd ) Click on the Campuses link or Resources link for Middle School information.
• The drive directly in front of the middle school is designated for bus drop off/pick up only. The drive in front and directly behind the middle school is not a designated drop off /pick up point. Our busiest time is in the afternoon when secondary campuses are dismissed. (3:00-3:30 pm) and all buses load in front of the middle school. When cars are in this area, there are potential safety issues. Please do not enter these areas. Students may be picked up in front of or behind the Old Middle School Gym, behind the tennis courts, in front of the auditorium, or across the street from the auditorium. (A crossing guard is present).
• White Oak Middle School encourages our students and their families to be involved in extracurricular activities and support the various teams and programs. However, many times students are dropped off for several hours without parent/guardian supervision. It is during these times that problems may arise. Please review our handbook and visit with your child about proper conduct at these events.
• To help our parents/guardians become more familiar with our school and activities throughout the year, breakfast/luncheons are scheduled at the end of each marking period. Information concerning dates and times will be printed on your child’s report card and placed on the marquee in front of the school. Breakfast/luncheons are provided to our parents/guardians at no charge. Reservations are required for the breakfast/luncheon; however, you are more than welcome to attend even if you choose not to have breakfast/lunch on us. We would ask that you park across the street in front of the auditorium.
• For safety purposes, the district permits students to possess telecommunications devices, including mobile telephones; however, these devices must remain turned off during the instructional day. The use of mobile telephones in locker rooms or restroom areas at any time during school is strictly prohibited. A student who uses a telecommunications device during the school day shall have the device confiscated and the student may be disciplined.
• Rollerblades, skateboards, skates, or retractable roller shoes are not allowed anytime on campus or school sponsored activities. This includes after school and/or weekends. Signs are posted throughout the district.
• White Oak ISD employs 2 full time registered nurses (RN) for grades K-5 and 6-12. If a student becomes ill while at school, he/she must get permission from the teacher and the office to go to the nurse’s office. The nurse will determine whether the student should be sent home and will contact the parent/guardian in those instances. Under no circumstances will a student be allowed to use a cell phone to call home without permission from the nurse or office personnel.
• Our school day begins at 8:00 and students are dismissed at 3:30. After dismissal of school in the afternoon, and unless in an activity under the supervision of a staff member, students must leave campus immediately. When students arrive at school, they must enter the building and proceed to the following areas: the foyer or a teacher’s classroom. Students cannot leave campus once they arrive, which includes going to another campus. A student will not be released from school at times other than at the end of the school day except with permission from the principal or designee. A parent/guardian must come into the office and sign their child out according to the campus sign-out procedures. Again, they will not be dismissed to leave campus early for any reason without you being present
• Each year the cost of furnishing uniforms and equipment for extracurricular activities such as athletics and band have continued to rise in the face of declining revenues. At the same time, extracurricular programs have experienced increased levels of student interest and participations, and we anticipate that number of participants and demands on program budgets will continue to grow. The revenues generated from the activity fee will be directed back to those programs to help support and maintain current levels of service and quality. Rather than placing an undue burden on the entire school population and community, the student activity fee represents a more equitable approach whereby those who directly benefit from extracurricular activities are responsible for some additional funding. The student activity fee shall be assessed one time annually with not limit to the number of activities in which the student may participate, so long as academic eligibility is maintained. For the 2009-2010 school year, the following fees have been established: 6th grade: $40; 7th/8th grade: $50; 9th-12th grade $70; with a family maximum (6th-12th): $100. This fee will be collected at time of registration.
Daily Archives: July 9, 2009
FYI-Dress Code
Middle School Dress Code. Please be mindful of the changes/areas of concern are in bold print.
The district’s dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, prevent disruption, and minimize safety hazards. Inasmuch as the aims and purposes of the White Oak Public Schools include the development of good work habits and good citizenship on the part of the students, and since there is a definite relationship between the attainment of such purposes and the effecting of a desirable manner of dress and personal appearance on the part of the students, the board of trustees, on the recommendation of the officers of the student council and faculty, directs the administrative officers of the respective schools of the White Oak system to place in effect the following regulations:
Appropriate clothing shall be worn in order to prevent disruption or interference with normal school operations and to promote a businesslike atmosphere in the classroom. It is the philosophy of the White Oak Schools that parents have a responsibility to send students to school neatly groomed and modestly dressed. If the parent gives up this responsibility and permits the student to come to school dressed in an inappropriate manner, or if the student chooses to attend school dressed inappropriately, then the school officials have the right and responsibility to counsel with the student and subsequently with the parent, or take corrective action. The district prohibits any clothing or grooming that, in the principal’s judgment, may reasonably be expected to cause disruption or interference with normal school operations.
If a student is not in compliance with the dress code, parents/guardians may be called and asked to bring a change of clothing. If contact is not made, then the student may be isolated from the student body for the remainder of the day. Repeated violations will result in more severe disciplinary actions.
• No clothing shall be worn in a manner for which it was not intended (backwards, inside out, suspenders off the shoulder, sweatshirts over arms, etc.)
• Students must wear appropriate underclothing.
• No clothing shall be worn that exhibits pictures, emblems, or writing that:
– are lewd, vulgar, slanderous, offensive, or depict violence.
– advertise or exploit tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, and
drugs or other illegal substances and paraphernalia.
– are sarcastic, demeaning to an individual or group.
– identify with or refer to satanic, cult, or gang activities.
Shirts and Tops
• Shirts and tops worn by both boys and girls must have sleeves unless the shirt or top has a collar. Tank tops, muscle shirts, or shirts with sleeves cut off are not to be worn.
• Clothing that exposes a bare midriff either in a standing position or in motion is inappropriate. Crop tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps, halters and forms of transparent clothing are not allowed.
• Tailored shirts and blouses must be buttoned even if clothing is layered. Boy must have their shirts tucked properly into their pants/trousers.
• T-shirts may not extend below the fingertips in a normal standing position (i.e., below the bottom of shorts or skirts).
Pants, Dresses, Shorts, Skirts
• Length of clothing
– Shorts and Capri pants may be worn. The length of shorts and Capri pants must fall at the knee in a normal standing position. Skirts or dresses are appropriate however, with movement from one classroom setting to another or one activity to another, they may not be practical on a regular school day. Performances, trips to neighboring districts for competition, or classroom presentations may be more in line with wearing a dress/skirt. The length must be such that it does not cause a disruption. (slightly above the knee) Slits on skirts and dresses must be no shorter than the bottom of the fingertips when in a normal standing position.
– Skorts (combination skirt/short) must meet the length requirement of shorts and Capri pants.
• Cut of clothing
– Strapless dresses, sundresses, or any apparel that is low cut in the front and/or back is prohibited.
• Fit of clothing
– Pants and other clothing must be of appropriate size. No sagging, baggy, or low riders will be permitted. Belts should be worn.
– Pants must be worn at the waistline and must completely cover underclothing.
– Excessively tight clothing is unacceptable (i.e., spandex tights, shorts or pants and excessively tight dresses and skirts.)
• Types of clothing
– Clothing with holes, intentionally torn or ripped clothing (shorts, pants, shirts) is inappropriate and will not be permitted
– NOTE: Jeans/pants designed with holes /frayed are not acceptable attire to wear to school and may not be worn.
– Cut-offs must have a neatly trimmed or finished hem.
– Boxer shorts or pajama bottoms (flannel or otherwise) are not permitted.
• All students shall wear shoes at all times for safety and health reasons. Students should wear socks when appropriate.
• Shoes must have a secure fit at the front and heel. No open toe shoes.
• House shoes are not allowed.
• Steel-toed boots or shoes are prohibited.
• Flip flops are not allowed at anytime on campus.
• Rollerblades, skateboards, skates, or retractable roller shoes are not allowed anytime on campus or school sponsored activities.
Students shall follow appropriate personal hygiene practices relative to cleanliness and grooming.
• Hair will be neat, clean and well groomed. Boys’ hair will not extend below the eyebrows, below the earlobes or below the top of a tee shirt. A variety of hairstyles is acceptable if the following extremes are avoided:
– Geometric or unusual patterns shaved or cut in the hair
– unnatural color or color variation in hair. (e.g. scarlet, purple, blue, red, green)
– Ponytails or braids (for males), spiked hair, Mohawk, rattails
– Styles that attract undue attention.
Facial Hair
• Beards, goatees and mustaches are prohibited. Sideburns must be neatly trimmed above the bottom of the earlobe. Students must be clean-shaven at all times.
• Cosmetics or make-up shall be applied in such a manner that users shall not appear conspicuous or attract undue attention.
• Permanent tattoos may not be visible during the school day.
• Writing of any kind on the body is inappropriate and not allowed.
Hats, Caps, Sunglasses
• Hats, caps, bandannas, and other headgear of any kind shall not be worn inside any school building. These items should be put away before entering the building each day and not carried into the classrooms during the school day.
• Sunglasses may not be worn unless as prescribed by a physician.
• Wearing of heavy chains or spiked jewelry is unacceptable and not allowed.
• Male students shall not wear earrings, earstuds, spacers, etc.
• No body piercing jewelry will be allowed.
• No jewelry shall be worn that exhibits pictures, emblems, or writing that:
– are lewd, vulgar, slanderous, offensive, or depict violence.
– advertise or exploit tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, and
drugs or other illegal substances and paraphernalia
– are sarcastic, demeaning to an individual or group.
• – identify with or refer to satanic, cult, or gang activities.
The administrators and teachers shall be responsible for the enforcement of the dress code. Teachers/coaches/sponsors may define appropriate dress for school sponsored trips and extracurricular activities. Students who violate those standards may be removed or
excluded from the activity for a period determined by the principal or sponsor and may be subject to other disciplinary action.
Final decisions on the appropriateness of school dress rest with the campus administration. If the principal determines that a student’s grooming violates the dress code, the student shall be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school. If not corrected, the student shall be assigned to on-campus suspension for the remainder of the day or until the problem is corrected. An unexcused absence will be given for the classes missed. Appropriate disciplinary action will follow the tardy policy guidelines. The principal may suspend regulations of the dress code for special events, which are held as part of the academic or extracurricular programs for their respective campuses.